Monday, December 8, 2008

Final Project: DueDates-ulaula 2.0

Over period of time we meet and interact with different people in our lives and more times than not we learn new things from these folks that we associated with.

DueDates-ulaula team consist of Tyler Wolff, Aric West and I. We all meet together few times a week and communicate through Google chat as well. I felt kind of intimidated at first because Tyler and Aric seemed more experienced programmer than I am but I did my best to contribute fairly over the course on our project. Aric worked on configuring the mock libraries, background processing and some test cases, etc. Tyler, because he had more exprerience on creating CSS formatting he did most of that and he also created some of the configuration files, DeveloperGuide, and some test cases also. And I did of the test cases like TestResultPage and TestAlertPage, ResultPage and UserGuide. Most of the time we need to modify some other files to add better features or functionalities so we jump into different pages to do that, especially Aric and Tyler.

DueDates Web Application

Due Dates is a simple web application that is capable of obtaining information for users about their borrowed items (books, DVD, VHS, etc.) from the University of Hawaii Library and Hawaii State Library.

As of now, our project looks healthy (at least the coverage > 90) except for Coupling and Churn. There were many lines that were modified and added in a commit, so that would contribute a lot on why our Churn is too high.

Our group member contribution is summarized on the graph below. I had few problems last time on my ant sensor and some eclipse problems debugging codes so I guess that's the reason why my DevTime on Hackystat is higher than Tyler and Aric. I also stumbled upon some other problems on JAXB because I had the 2.0 version and for some reason the parser or something on that version wasn't working. So I had to uninstall that version and installed the 2.1 version and everything worked fine. Aric helped me to figure out that particular problem I had on Jaxb and some on my xml file. They had more commits than me because they did a lot of modifications especially for creating better features and functionality on our project and more times than not two people are working on the same part of the project.

Fig. 1 Member Build Count

Fig. 2 Member Commit

Fig. 3 Member Dev Time


Working with different people always bring you new experience and new knowledge. In duedates-ulaula team we didn't have any designated leader so that made us probably more responsible enough to accomplish our own task. It is always good to have a group leader but I think it depends on that particular team also how to handle their own responsibility. I had a great time working with the rest of the team because whenever we have problems we update each other what is going on and we try to communicate to solve that particular problem.

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