Sunday, October 19, 2008

DueDates Project

DueDates-Purple Team


Duedates is an application that keeps track of borrowed items (books, DVD, video, etc.) from the library. There are three members in our group: me, John Ancheta and Daniel Arakaki. Doing the duedates project with them was very interesting and helpful. From the very first day that the project was assigned, all the three of us met outside and discuss the days and times that we have to meet to accomplish the project. Therefore, we agreed to meet from Monday to Friday for at least 1-2 hours. And for the weekends, some of us has to go to work and take care of some other things, so we didn't agree to meet on Saturday and Sunday and we just decided to communicate through google chat and email.

I don't have a lot of experience using Subversion so John, who has the most experience really walk us through it in every step of the way. Especially, when I was having so much problems on SVN update and errors on Eclipse jars, he was there telling us not to give up because everything is going to be okay.


Project Assigned

The part of the project that was assigned to me was the "". The User guide was created in order for the "everyday user" to be able to comprehend the downloading and installation instructions in layman's terms, whereby making the installation of the program much easier. Here is the link for the user guide. Then, the Homepage was assigned to Daniel and the was assigned to John.

In addition, Daniel did most of the coding on the test cases for I did a little bit of coding some methods on the and 1-2 test cases. And John was the one who gave us hints on how to complete our own assigned task and oversees if we are having problems accomplishing those particular tasks. Finally, he also fixed some errors on most of the codes and made sure that we understand what we were doing on the project.



I have learned so much things on this project especially using Google Project Hosting and SVN. We had so much problems on Eclipse jars and on top of that we have different operating systems. So what does work on the other member's OS it doesn't work on the other one. Despite of everything happened we were still able to accomplish our project because of team work, sharing ideas and determination.

Here is our DueDates Distribution file:

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