Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TortoiseSVN and Google Project Hosting

Google is not only one of the best search engine but also offer hosting open source projects for free namely the server -- Subversion(SVN), issue tracker, and mailing list. And to be able to use all of these features we have to install the TortoiseSVN client. So I installed the TortoiseSVN client and it was pretty straightforward.

SVN is a revision control system that maintains current and past versions of source code files, documentation, and web pages. In addition, SVN has three top level directories:
  • trunk/ -- which represents the 'main line' of project development
  • branches / -- contains subdirectories that holds the copy of the project
  • tags/ -- contains subdirectories that each has the snapshot of the project which represents the record configuration of the project.
Modifying the existing Google Project:

I haven't gone far in modifying the existing google project. So since my partner John Ancheta already finished his homework he just pretty much helped me to accomplish this part of the homework.

First, we checkout the file that is located at http://code.google.com/p/stack- johnson/. Then, we run the "verify" target (ant -f verify.build.xml) and everything was all good. Then, we have to improve the project and we did this by putting additional test and run the "verify" target again and everything passes. Finally, we commit the change on the project to the repository.

Creating new Project:

In creating a new Google Hosting Project we have to obtain an SVN password first (like one of the SVN screenshot SAMPLE below).


Next, we added the instructor's email, which is "philipmjohnson@gmail.com" as an additional owner so he will be able to review our project setup. I also added my partner's email "jnancheta@gmail.com" on my member list. Then, we define "stack-flestado-discuss" in the discussion list and add the "codesite-noreply@google.com" as a list member. Later, we specified the trunk directory:


Afterward, we did "SVN checkout" this is where you have to enter your repository URL (as shown below) and then entered gmail username and SVN password.

Next,we populate the trunk directory and added the files, then finally we did a commit (red ! indicates that the directory has been modified not committed) and all files should be now in the directory.


Doing this particular task helps me to understand more about SVN and Google Project Hosting. The offered features and convenience of Google Project Hosting for open source projects is really good. All the modifications or updates is need to keep track especially for problem issues.

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