Wednesday, October 8, 2008

SVN and Google Project Hosting with a partner

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. "

In this week's second homework we are going to do a collaboration in software development by editing a partner's project on their stack implementation using SVN and Google Project Hosting. We didn't have a lot of time to do a side-by-side programming so we decided to just communicate through Google Chat.


I did not really do a lot of heads up on this homework and I missed the class where they discuss about on how to use SVN Google Project Hosting. Therefore, I just installed the TortoiseSVN client on my laptop before the lab in the class and haven't gotten a chance to navigate through it. So, when I got home I was about to teach myself and try to remember what my partner[Ancheta] did on the previous homework. But I never got a chance to because we started chatting and he asked me some questions whether I am able to do a particular task.

Afterward, he downloaded, verified and modified my stack project default folder from build/classes/ to bin/ . Then, he sent me a confirmation that he made a commit (repository revision) on my project. Finally, I checked and verified (ant -f everything

Downloading partner's code and build:

I had a problem when I was editing my partner's project because I downloaded it from the incorrect location and when I tried to import it into Eclipse it got froze. So, when I told him that I was having a problem he pretty much walk me through it but that took a while because we are not sitting side-by-side to see each others screen so he can have a better look at what is going on. Nevertheless, we solved that particular problem so I downloaded his "stack-jnancheta" project on my desktop and verified it. Then, I changed the default output folder from build/classes/ to bin/. At the end, I commit the changes and an email was sent for confirmation.


I love learning from other people especially when they share their wits with humility and shows an appreciation to their partner. My partner was really helpful and knowledgeable about using the SVN and Google Project Hosting. Although sometimes he works so fast and he wants everything to be done right on the spot but I understand because "time is gold". Using SVN and Google Project Hosting in an open source application is very convenient. As soon as you made the changes on a project it is available for a review right away by someone remotely.

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