Thursday, October 23, 2008

Project Review

Ups and Downs

Examining different codes from various people helps me to broaden my knowledge about programming. The people who reviewed our code were kaneshige, shum, leung, ly, reeves and tian. All of them who reviewed our code gave some constructive criticisms on how they like our javadocs, test cases and the print out of the stack trace but at the same time they also pointed out some things that can be improve such as meaningful comments, user guide output example and fix build failed because of the missing "xbean.jar".

The DueDates project codes that I reviewed are the following:

First, the duedates-violet used few abstract classes and they implemented those really well. The only thing though I tried to run the verify but their program had couple checkstyle problems. Then, I also tried to run their program on the command line using my own information (id and lastname) with valid and invalid inputs but it only prints out a stack trace on both conditions.
Second, upon reviewing the duedates-red project code it was very neat, it has a nice output formatting and it prints out the correct error message. The only thing that they didn't have are test cases and their program didn't really check for invalid inputs. Finally, the last thing I reviewed is the duedates-yellow and they have the best output formatting that I've seen so far. Their program also output the right error message for valid and invalid inputs but their user manual didn't really have detailed information guide for external users in downloading and running the program.


By checking out or doing some reviews on other people's projects helped me on how to become a better programmer in the future. I have seen some really good program codes that I think will really help us to get some ideas from. And receiving those feedback from other peers on how to improve our project were very helpful. We are currently working on how to develop a better detailed user guide, meaningful comments and trying to analyze on how to fix the build.xml file that contains the error about the "xbean.jar".

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